How to Compound Time in 2025 and Beyond

How to Compound Time in 2025 and Beyond

To close the year strong, look at your patterns over the last 11 months. What are your weak links? ...more


November 22, 20244 min read

How to break through walls in a storm

How to break through walls in a storm

A lot of men are going to go through storms. The average man prays for the storms to go away. He is looking for comfort. ...more


November 20, 20244 min read

4 ways to prepare for opportunities

4 ways to prepare for opportunities

There are opportunities during every crisis. Luck is when opportunities and preparation meet. ...more


November 15, 20242 min read

5 ways to train your mind to love doing hard things

5 ways to train your mind to love doing hard things

The moment you are trying to reach the next level, there is always going to be adversity. ...more


November 14, 20242 min read

5 things to focus on to create a life worth living

5 things to focus on to create a life worth living

We live in a culture that wants everything instantly. Whether you want food, entertainment, or a date, you can just pull out your phone. ...more


November 08, 20247 min read

The 5 Steps to Process Your Emotions and Develop Emotional Fitness

The 5 Steps to Process Your Emotions and Develop Emotional Fitness

It’s never what happens to you that counts; it’s how you react to it. You can choose to flee, fight, or freeze. ...more


November 05, 20248 min read


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